Boarding Custom Report for Checking In and Out

Depending on your configuration, some Windows Servers have an issue utilizing the PDF Creator driver to print the Boarding report. As a result, we've created this document to provide an alternative way to print the same report without PDF Creator.

Step 1: Download & Extract the Report

Click Here to download the Report.

Locate the file and unzip/extract it.

Step 2: Install the Report on the DVMAX Server

You should now have a BoardingReports folder. Right click this folder and choose Copy.

If you open the folder, it should contain a number of files. If it instead just has another copy of 'BoardingReports' folder, Copy this folder instead.

Navigate to your Custom Reports folder.

C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/DVMAXPractice/DVMAXServerFolder/Server Database/WebFolder/practice/customReports/


Macintosh HD::Applications::DVMAXProgramFiles75:

Right click DVMAX Server and choose Show Package Contents.

Then navigate to: Contents::Server Database::WebFolder::practice::customReports

Paste the BoardingReports folder into this location.

Step 3: Load the Report from DVMAX Client

Log into DVMAX Client on a workstation as Administrator.
Go to Section menu and choose System Constants.
Click on the User Settings tab.
At the top right, click on Reload From Server, then click OK.

Your report is now loaded and can be used normally going forward.

Step 4: Run the Boarding Report from DVMAX Client

Go to the Section menu and choose General Management.
In the lower portion of the Reports window, scroll through the custom reports to locate Boarding Reports.
Double click it to run the report.