Retrieving Inventory and Bill Item Information for Reporting and Exporting to Excel

Applies to: DVMAX v7.0.12 and higher

Summary: A common clinic request is the ability to generate a report that includes item description, percent markup, cost to clinic, and price to customer. A report such as this would combine information from both the bill and inventory tables. There is not a report in DVMAX that will give you this information. This document will walk you through exporting the necessary information from DVMAX. Once exported, the clinic can manipulate the data using an application such as Excel or Numbers.

Exporting Bill Item Information: 

 To get a list of Bill Items with Bill Code, Description, and Net Price do the following:

  1. From “Section” choose “Inventory Management”
  2. Search for “Bill Items” and select “All records” (to bring up the full bill items list)
  3. Choose File/Print
  4. Select either “Price List” or “Export Prices” depending on how you would like the report delivered
  5. Follow the “print” or “save” prompts depending on your selection.
  6. If you chose “Export Prices,” they will export in TXT format which can be opened by Microsoft Excel.

Exporting Inventory Item Information:

To get a list of Inventory Items with Inventory Cost and Percent Markup do the following:

  1. From “Section” choose “Inventory Management”
  2. Search for “Bill Items” and select “All Records” (to bring up the full bill items list)
  3. Choose File/Print
  4. Select “Custom” then click the “Print” button (this will bring up the Quick Report window)
  5. From the “Master Table” dropdown in the middle of the window (dropdown may also be called “Related Tables”); either way, choose “All Tables”
  6. Scroll down to the “Linked Items” table and click the triangle to the left to expand the list of fields under it.
  7. Double Click on the following fields in this order and you will see them populate across the top of this window:
    1. Bill_Code
    2. Item_Code
    3. Markup
    4. Pricing Cost
  8. If you wish to “print” the report:
    1. Choose File/Generate then follow the printing prompts.
  9. If you wish to “export” the report:
    1. Click Destination, select File
    2. Click Play (or Execute) icon
    3. Then follow the “saving” prompts.  Report will be saved in TXT format which can be opened by Microsoft Excel.

After these two reports are exported, they can be combined and manipulated in Excel to give the clinic a detailed report of all the information requested.

*Please note: The DVMAX support team does not support Excel, Numbers. or other spreadsheet applications and will not be able to assist with with the work done in another application.