Testing and Analyzing connections to outside labs (IDEXX & Zoasis/Antech)

When results are expected to autmoatically populate into DVMAX from an outside lab, and they fail to do so, you can check the logs in DVMAX to determine if your login credentials are wrong and/or set properly.

Step 1: Verify Setup

Log into DVMAX client  as Administrator on the workstation that is responsible for communicating with the lab vendor.
Go to the File menu and choose Preferences.
Click on the Lab Result Setup tab.

If using Antech/Zoasis:
- Verify the boxes are checked to auto-download and check folder for results.
- Verify the folder listed in 'Check For Results' actually exists on the local computer.
- Verify the username, password, zip, and clinic ID are valid. To do this, you can go to zoasis.com and use all 4 credentials to log fully into their website. If that works on their website then the correct information is in place in DVMAX too.

If using IDEXX:
- Verify the setting is checked/turned on.
- Verify the user & password are correct.
NOTE: the user & password listed in DVMAX are NEVER the same user & password used at vetconnect.com! The user & password needed for DVMAX must be numeric.

If all of this seems correct, close out of the lab preferences and move on to checking the logs in DVMAX.

Step 2: Check Process Monitor/Logs

Click on the Section menu, hold SHIFT and click System Constants.
Click on the Functions tab.
Click the Process Monitor  Button.
In the list of processes on the left, locate either the Zoasis or IDEXX listener and click it once to highlight it.
On the lower right, the log will be displayed.
All lab services work with HTTP 1.0/1.1 Protocol, so any response codes can be referenced to any "HTTP Response Codes" chart easily found on Google.
For the most part, you'll be looking at two different response codes.
Response Code 200:
- Means we successfully performed an action.

Response Code 500:
- Means there was an error. In almost all cases this means the credentials provided in Step 1 are wrong. However, if the response code 500 appears just upon connecting and BEFORE any credentials are passed, it could be that DVMAX does not have the ability to reach the site (app.vetconnect.com or zoasis.com). Firewalls could be responsible, or the site could simple be down.

If any other response code appears, you should consult an online chart of HTTP response codes for assistance with the error.