Applies to: DVMAX v7.0.12 and higher

Purpose: This document will outline the steps to take when deleting a bill item, medical record code, or inventory item (v7.0.12 only) from DVMAX. It will also discuss important considerations to review before deleting items.

  • It is NOT recommended that you delete items that have been used in the past. Deleting items increases the likelihood that you will end up using the same code again in the future.
    • If you re-use a bill code, DVMAX will pull in the old sales data.
    • If you re-use an inventory code, DVMAX will change past pharmacy log records, which will make the past Rx history information inaccurate.
  • When running a detailed sales report, any deleted item will be listed as 'Bad Code'. It is best to delete an item only if it won't be listed on the Detailed Sales Report.
  • If deleting a Medical Record Code with an attached Finding Class, the staff will need to click on text view to see the text from the finding class.
  • Deleting an Inventory Item will cause the item to not appear on the pharmacy log.

Deleting a Bill Item

Deleting an Inventory Item

NOTE: Deleting an inventory item is only possible in v7.0.12

Deleting a Medical Record Code