Operating Systems: Macintosh and Windows
Applies to Versions: DVMAX 7.6 and Up

With DVMAX 7.6 and higher, you can now access VetConnect PLUS directly within DVMAX. The following article outlines how to configure this.

NOTE: This document assumes you already have a VetConnect PLUS account. If you do not, or are not sure, please contact VetConnect PLUS support at 1-888-433-9987 before proceeding.

Step 1: Enter your VetConnect PLUS and VC Agent credentials

If you are unsure of your user and password information, the VetConnect PLUS support team can help you identify both your VC Agent and VetConnect user ID and password (888-433-9987).

Step 2: Access Vetconnect PLUS through DVMAX

If you get an alert stating "Error Authenticating to VetConnect Plus", please close that window and proceed to http://vetconnectplus.com with your default web browser. Log into the site fully with your user & password. This will force the activation process and make it possible to access VetConnect PLUS from within DVMAX using the steps above. If you still are unable to log in with your web browser, contact IDEXX VetConnect PLUS Support for assistance at 1-888-433-9987.