Applies to: DVMAX v7.0.12 and higher

Purpose: The IDEXX Reminder Service is an ancillary service provided by IDEXX which will print and mail patient reminder cards for your clinic. This document outlines the steps necessary for generating the reminder information to send to the IDEXX Reminder Service team. For more information on the IDEXX Reminder Service, please contact >>>>>

**Note: Microsoft Excel and knowledge of the application is necessary to perform these steps. DVMAX Support is unable to provide technical support for Microsoft Excel.

Generating the Export of Patient Data

  1. Search for Patients by Reminder Dates - Enter the appropriate date range
  2. From the File pull-down choose Print  
  3. Choose Export reminder and click Export
  4. Name the export file and save the file to your computer

Format to Send Spreadsheet to IDEXX Reminder Service

  1. Search for the file you exported in Step 4 above (it will be a .txt file)
  2. Right-click on the file, choose Open With..., and select Microsoft Excel
  3. The columns in Excel are not labeled. The columns, as exported, are as follows:
    1. Client 1 Title
    2. Client 1 First Name
    3. Client 1 Last Name
    4. Client 1 Full Name
    5. Address Line 1
    6. Address Line 2 OR City, State, Zip Code
    7. City, State, Zip Code IF Column F was Address Line 2
    8. Zip Code
    9. Client ID
    10. Patient Name
    11. Patient Pronoun
    12. Patient Pronoun
    13. Patient Pronoun
    14. Patient ID
    15. Blank Column
    16. Number of reminders that have already been sent
    17. Patient Last Visit
    18. Remaining columns are Reminder Description and Due Date columns
  4. The file sent to the IDEXX Reminder Service team needs to have the following columns in the order listed. The data in the column can be blank, but each column needs to be listed. (Data manipulation in Excel will be necessary).
    1. ClientID
    2. Name (Full Name will be in this one cell)
    3. Address
    4. Address1
    5. City
    6. State
    7. Zip
    8. PetName
    9. Reminder1Date
    10. Reminder1
    11. Reminder2Date
    12. Reminder2
    13. Reminder3Date
    14. Reminder3
    15. Reminder4Date
    16. Reminder4
    17. Reminder5Date
    18. Reminder5
    19. Reminder6Date
    20. Reminder6
    21. Reminder7Date
    22. Reminder7
    23. Reminder8Date
    24. Reminder8
    25. Reminder9Date
    26. Reminder9
    27. EmailAddr
    28. SpeciesName
    29. BreedName
  5. Save the finished spreadsheet as a Text (Tab Delimited) or CSV (Comma Delimited) file