Applies To: DVMAX v7.0.12 and higher

Purpose: This document describes the workflow process recommendation for paperless practices that would like to enter exam notes at the same time that the client is being checked out by the front desk staff.

Workflow Overview

  1. Patient record is open on a workstation in the exam room.
  2. Patient is seen by the doctor and Medical Record Entries (MREs) are added to the patient history and invisible invoice
  3. Patient record is closed in the exam room
  4. Client invoice is opened at the front desk
  5. Patient history can now be opened again by the doctor. Medical notes can be added to existing MREs.

Detailed Instructions 

In the exam room

  1. Click on the history tab of the patient record
  2. Choose the Primary Provider who will be seeing the patient today
  3. When the history tab opens, verify that the Invisible Invoice opens to the right of the patient history information
  4. Click the New MRE icon to add history entires. 
  5. Search for the code or description of the item you would like to add
  6. Enter notes
  7. Click OK or OK & New MRE to save and/or add additional entries. (Verify the item was added to the Invisible Invoice)
  8. Upon completion of the visit, click OK to close out of the patient and client record (if open)

At the front desk

  1. Open the client's invoice

On the doctor's workstation 

  1. AFTER the invoice has been opened on the front desk computer, the patient history can be opened again.

*You will get an alert that states the record is already being edited. This is a flag to let users know that someone else is in the record. Users will still be able to open the patient record. Depending on your system constants settings, you will get one of the following alerts when opening the patient history: