Operating Systems: All
Applies to Versions: 7.0.11 and later

The purpose of this article is to provide basic instructions on the creation and maintenance of new users with the use of the "Set Passwords & Users" module within DVMAX's General Management Utilities.  We have also included some examples of common usages for specific user groups.  At the end of this article, you can find a list of user groups found in the module and a brief purpose for each.

NOTE - This function should ONLY be used by the DVMAX Administrator of your practice.

We understand that hospitals have security permissions in place for a reason, and in an effort to protect the financial integrity of your hospital, DVMAX technical support representatives are unable to bypass your security settings by logging in as our support admin user to adjust transactions caused by user error. If you would like users at your hospital to receive support assistance in editing financial transactions, you must create a user that has permission to Edit and Void Transactions for the caller to use. This user name can be password protected so that only certain individuals have access to this role, but it is advised that someone at the hospital has the password for this user account during business hours. If the caller does not have access to a user name with this role, the DVMAX support representative will not be able to assist.  

From the Section menu, select General Management. The Management Functions dialog opens.

In this example, a typical Practice Staff user will be configured. We want to grant access to the following groups, by placing a check in the Member column next to the Group.

You can repeat this process for multiple users that you create. Below are some sample group assignments for different staff levels:


By default the Administrator has access to all Groups.
Do not change the access for anything associated with the Administrator!


The Manager typically has access to the following groups:


A typical Staff member has access to the following groups:

Inventory Manager

The Inventory Manager typically has access to the following groups:

The following groups should never be used.

When finished modifying user & group access, click the red 'X' at the top to close the ToolBox and Close out of General Management.

If you changed or modified any passwords, you must log back in and re-authenticate yourself in DVMAX before using it.

List of User Groups and Purposes

Group NamePurpose
Animal HusbandryNOT USED
BatchDO NOT USE - This is only for Replication MPA sites and should never be used by a normal user as it can cause serious harm to DVMAX.
Clients & PatientsAllows full access to Clients and Patients Records.
Credit Card ProcessingAllows access for specific users to process credit and debit card payments; such as initiate transactions, access the setup wizard, or browse credit card processing logs.
Delete Clients & PatientsAllows access to the "Delete Client", "Delete this Patient…" and "Combine Patients..." functions while in specific Client or Patient records.
Edit & Void Invoices & TransAllows the ability to the Edit and/or Void "Finished" invoices as well the ability to delete "Unfinisfed" invoices.
General ManagementAllows access to the "General Management" function found under the "Section Menu" with limited access reports, finance functions and utilities.
Inventory ManagementAllows full access to Inventory Management except for "Set Costs & Qty…"
Log RecordsAllows access to the "Log Records" function found under the "Section Menu"
Mailings & ContactsNOT USED
Manager / SupervisorNOT USED
Mass Change & DeleteAllows the ability to Delete multiple Client or Patient records at once (Delete records from the Client/Patient Search result list); Also allows access to "Change item settings…"
Patient CodesAllows access to the "Patient Codes" function found under the "Section Menu"
Practice FinancialsAllows access to certain "Administrator Level" reports such as Detailed Sales, Invoice Share By Doctor, Average Invoice Per Doctor, Line Item Detail; also full access to Financial and Utility routines within General Management.
Preferences AccessAllows access to the "Preferences" function found under the "File Menu" as well as setup of label printers
ReplicationDO NOT USE - This is only for Replication MPA sites and should never be used by a normal user as it can cause serious harm to DVMAX.
Scheduling AccessAllows access to the Appointment Scheduler module.
Sneakers AccessDO NOT USE
Study ContactNOT USED
System AdministratorNOT USED
System ConstantsAllows access to the "System Constants" function found under the "Section Menu"
Time Limited Financial AccessAllows for the reports controlled by the "Practice Financials" setting to be queries for greater than a 7-day period.
User Site AccessNOT USED
VeterinaryNOT USED
Word Processing AccessAllows access to Word Processing, including creating and editing documents.