- Log into DVMAX Client as the Administrator.
- Click on the Section menu, hold down the SHIFT key, then choose System Constants.
- A warning will appear, read it fully and click I Understand.
- On the Settings tab, scroll through the alphabetical list and search for settings that begin with cubex.
- Fill in cubex.password as provided by Cubex.
- Fill in cubex.siteCode as provided by Cubex.
- Fill in cubex.username as provided by Cubex.
- Fill in cubex.webServiceHost with http://have.www.mycubex.net/Webservices/AutocribWSPost.asmx
- If you wish to have patients marked as In Hospital status automatically send information to the Cubex cabinet, change the setting cubex.InHospital to say True.
- Close the Advanced Settings window when done by clicking the Red X or Dot at the top of the window. The changes will take effect immediately.