Cubex One-Way Integration (DVMAX -> Cubex)

Cubex One-Way Integration (DVMAX -> Cubex)

Applies to: DVMAX 7.5.1 and higher
Purpose: DVMAX can now send client & patient information to an existing Cubex Cabinet within a practice.This document reviews the steps needed to configure a one-way integration (sending data from DVMAX to Cubex).

Note: DVMAX v8.5 introduced a two-way integration with data flowing from DVMAX to Cubex and information from Cubex going to DVMAX. Review our Cubex Two-Way Integration documentation for configuration instructions.

**Prior to starting the cubex integration and setup, contact DVMAX Technical Support at 1-800-950-5455 to have them update the advanced setting values to the new Cubex URL's**

(info) All DVMAX workstations that will communicate with Cubex must have Internet access and be capable of accessing Cubex features over the Internet. If your security is high, please consult with Cubex for information on what websites and ports may need to be opened for the feature to work.

Configuring DVMAX to send information to Cubex

Note: The following setup requires you to have login credentials provided by Cubex. Please contact Cubex support if you do not have the information specified in this section.

  • Log into DVMAX Client as the Administrator.
  • Click on the Section menu, hold down the SHIFT key, then choose System Constants.
  • A warning will appear, read it fully and click I Understand.
  • On the Settings tab, scroll through the alphabetical list and search for settings that begin with cubex.
    • Fill in cubex.password as provided by Cubex.
    • Fill in cubex.siteCode as provided by Cubex.
    • Fill in cubex.username as provided by Cubex.
    • Fill in cubex.webServiceHost with https://www.mycubex.net/Webservices3/AutocribWSPost.asmx
    • If you wish to have patients marked as In Hospital status automatically send information to the Cubex cabinet, change the setting cubex.InHospital to say True.
  • Close the Advanced Settings window when done by clicking the Red X or Dot at the top of the window. The changes will take effect immediately.

Using the Cubex Integration Feature in DVMAX

Once the Setup is complete, you can add or delete a patient from the Cubex cabinet in one of three ways:

  • On the Patient General Information screen in DVMAX, clicking the button marked Cubex will allow you to add or delete the patient.
  • On the Patient History screen in DVMAX, clicking the button marked Cubex will allow you to add or delete the patient.
  • If the practice has chosen to have patients who are marked as In Hospital status send to Cubex automatically, just changing the patient status will add the patient to the cabinet. If the patient's status changes again to some status other than In Hospital, the patient will be automatically deleted from the Cubex Cabinet.