SmartFlow Integration

SmartFlow Integration

Applies to: DVMAX v8.8 and higher

What is SmartFlow?

SmartFlow is a workflow optimization system that allows you to digitize your workflows and treatment plans. Complete tasks and treatments in SmartFlow to analyze and improve your workflow efficiencies. Build up each workflow in your practice and your team will be more efficient and cognizant of what tasks need to be completed (and how long they should be taking). With our deep integration with DVMAX, you’ll be able to further improve efficiencies and patient care by automatically creating patients in Smart Flow on the correct whiteboard, capturing charges for activities performed in SmartFlow on your DVMAX invoices, noting patient care details in the medical record and discharging patients, all within your normal DVMAX workflow. It’s a win-win for everyone!

For more information visit - www.smartflowsheet.com

Contact Information

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