To learn more about DVMAX departments and how to create them, visit the Departments page of our knowledgebase here - Departments
Click Test Connection to enable the Map Codes button
Choose Map Codes and click on the Departments tab
Click the double arrows to the right of the SmartFlow Whiteboard column and choose the SmartFlow whiteboard to which a patient should be assigned when they are checked in to a specific department. (Note: For this to work, your appointment columns will need to be linked to different departments. Instructions for this setup can be found here - Departments#AssigningDepartmentstoAppointmentColumns
If you do not assign a whiteboard to a specific department, the patient will be added to the default whiteboard.
Your DVMAX appointment scheduler staff may not necessarily correspond to your providers. You must link DVMAX appointment scheduler staff to staff providers so that items can be associated with the correct provider. If there are several doctors that could be treating patients under a specific column (like a Surgery column), a provider does not need to be linked. If a provider is not linked, DVMAX will still send the patient, but it will not be assigned a provider. You will be asked in SmartFlow to select a provider that should be assigned to each treatment item as it's being performed. This is an optional configuration step.
Click Test Connection to enable the Map Codes button
Choose Map Codes and click on the Appt Staff tab
Double-click in the Staff Provider field and choose the provider associated with the Appointment Scheduler Staff