DVMAX Research v3.0.2 Release Notes

DVMAX Research v3.0.2 Release Notes



Fixed an issue that could cause cage splits to fail, if the animal/cage record had related Events. The Animal/Cage record would retain the original Animal Identifier instead of changing to the updated one. This issue only occurred when sending a Status of '5' with AFMS_Animal, and a new AFMS Animal Identifier (Fields 6 | 29)

Verification is recommended for sites that employ this behavior in DVMAX - Test all existing cage split scenarios when the status of '5' is sent for an AFMS_Animal.


Mirror / Disaster Recovery

Four new features have been introduced to keep the Mirror server's uptime more consistent.
Most settings can be adjusted in the Advanced Settings window in DVMAXR Admin Client.

Server Identification

A text file stored in the server applications resource folder will now dictate whether that application should act as a Primary Server or Mirror Server.

If the server is a Primary Server (Live):

Create a isPrimaryServer.txt text file in the /Server Database/Resources/ folder of your DVMAXR Research Application folder. A typical full path is C:/DVMAXResearch/Server/Server Database/Resources/

If the server is a Mirror Server (Disaster Recovery):

Create a isMirrorServer.txt text file in the /Server Database/Resources/ folder of your DVMAXR Research Application folder. A typical full path is C:/DVMAXResearch/Server/Server Database/Resources/


Log File Cleanup

The Mirror Server will now delete any log file it successfully integrates. This will prevent the need for any manual cleanup, and ensure the Mirror server does not get bogged down with integrating files.

Logging Feature

The Mirroring of databases is now logged to a text file which can be used for maintenance and troubleshooting to verify the feature is working.

mirror.createLogFileTrueThis is set to True by default. Set to False to stop logging.


The System will now email a specified email address if the Mirror server cannot integrate log files. Note that emailing capabilities must already be set up in DVMAXR for this feature to work.


mirror.logFileNotificationTrue / FalseTrue = the application will attempt to email if log integration fails.
mirror.mirrorAlertToAddressemail addressEnter an email address that should be notified in the event of a failure
mirror.mirrorAlertSubjectText / StringEnter the subject that the email should contain if log integration fails.



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