Completing the Same To-Do Item for A Group of Animals

Applies to: DVMAX v2.0 and higher

Purpose: While it is not possible to complete multiple to-do items for different animals from the to-do items window, users can add a new MRE to a group of animals and the to-do item will be marked as completed. This document describes the steps to take to find a group of animals all due for the same treatment, and add the medical record code to the animal records in order for the to-do item to be marked completed.

Note: Terminology and workflows may vary slightly based on the needs of the facility and the datafile configuration.

Step One - Search for the Animals

From the Web Client Application

  • Click on the Animals button
  • Enter search criteria for location, study, PI, etc
  • Minimize the Show AHRs With: window and expand the Additional Filters: window
  • Change the Which: pull-down to To Do Items and Date Range
  • Enter the Title of the to-do item
  • Enter the current date as both the Start Date and End Date (This will show only animals which have the to-do item due today)

Step Two - Adding the Medical Record Entry

From the list of animals generated by the search in Step One

  • Highlight the animals that should have the to-do item completed
  • Click on the Utilities button
  • Choose Assign MRE to Animals
  • Enter the MRC Code or Keyword
  • Click OK to Confirm that you want to assign the MRC to the selected animals
  • Enter MRE details and click Save
  • The to-do item linked to the medical record code that was just added to the animal record will be marked as completed. 
    Note: These steps will mark the first due to-do item as completed. This means that if there was an overdue to-do item associated with this medical record code, the overdue item will be marked as completed, NOT the item due today. If the next instance of the to-do item is due in the future, this to-do item will be as completed today (when the MRE is added to the animal record).

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