Create or Edit a Super Item

Create or Edit a Super Item

Applies to: DVMAX v7.0.12 and higher

Purpose: A Super Item is a set of bill items, sometimes called child items, linked to a primary or parent bill item. When the bill code you add to an invoice is a Super Item, DVMAX will ask you to provide quantities and other information about the individual child items that make up the Super Item. Super Items help you bundle together a complex group of products and/or services so the invoice can capture all of the billing details quickly and easily. An example of a Super Item might be a dental cleaning, which could include anesthesia, antibiotic injection, extraction, cleaning, polishing and more. This document outlines the steps to create a Super Item.

(info) This document assumes you already have the bill items you'd like to group together created. For information on creating new bill items, please review our Creating a New Bill Item documentation

  • From the Section pull-down, choose Inventory Management
  • Search for Super Items
  • Click Add New
  • Enter an Item Name (this name is not visible to users or customers)
  • Enter a Parent Bill Item (this is the item that will generate the rest of the group when added to an invoice or patient history)
  • Total Price - this box will continue to update as you add child items. The total price assumes all items will be added to the invoice
  • Check off User Selectable Child Items if you would like the option to include certain items on the invoice. (If this box is not checked, all items in the group are automatically added to the invoice).
  • Child Items Default to Unselected - this option only appears after User Selectable Child Items has been checked. Check off this box if you want to require users to check off which items should be added to the invoice.
  • Click Add to start adding child items to the super item
    • Search for the item by code or description 
    • Enter low and high quantity, if desired. (This is used on estimates in the low and high quantity columns).
    • Click OK to add
  • After all items are added, click OK to save the Super Item