Manually downloading Antech/Zoasis results

Manually downloading Antech/Zoasis results

Occasionally you may find that one or two results are missing from the Lab Log, or from the patient record. If you are getting all other Antech results, but missing only one or two, you can manually download those individual results and save them in your Zoasis/Antech folder for DVMAX to automatically load into the patient record. 

From the computer that is set up to automatically download Zoasis results, locate your Antech/Zoasis folder.  It is most commonly on your desktop. You will save the results into this folder. 

  1. Go to www.antechdiagnostics.com
  2. On the left sidebar, click  “Sign In” under the “Antech Online” logo
  3. Type in your Hospital ID, Zip, User name and Password.  If you do not know this info, it is stored in DVMAX under the File – Preferences – Lab Result Setup tab.

Once logged in, you will see your Clinic “dashboard” for Antech Online. 

If you are looking for one specific result:

  1. On the left hand side, under “Search Lab Results”, you can type in that Patient’s name, client name, or date the result would have posted.  Click Search at the bottom.
  2. When you see the patient/result you are looking for, click on the gray and white arrow under “Actions” to the right of the result.  Choose “Import”

On Windows:

  1.      When prompted, choose to Open File (It will open in a new window)
  2.      Choose Save As (In IE, it’s under “Page”))
  3.      Save it with the default name, and save into the Zoasis/Antech folder that you located earlier. 

On Mac: 

  1. When Prompted, choose “Save File”.  It will automatically go into your “Downloads” folder as “Labreport.xml”.  Find that file in your downloads folder,        highlight it, and from the Edit menu, choose “copy”
  2. Navigate and open your Antech/Zoasis folder, and paste in the result.


If you are looking for multiple results:

  1. On the right side, under “Print/Email/Save/Import Multiple Results
  2. Type in the date range for which you are missing results. Click Search at the bottom.
  3. Place a check in the box next to each patient you need to save the result for.
  4. Click the arrow next to “Actions”, choose “Import Results”

On Windows:

  1.   When prompted, choose to Open File (It will open in a new window)
  2.   Choose Save As (In IE, it’s under “Page”))
  3.   Save it with the default name, and save into the Zoasis/Antech folder that you located earlier. 

On Mac: 

  1. When Prompted, choose “Save File”.  It will automatically go into your “Downloads” folder as “Labreport.xml”.  Find that file in your downloads folder, highlight it, and from the Edit menu, choose “copy”
  2. Navigate and open your Antech/Zoasis folder, and paste in the result.

Once you have downloaded and saved the result(s) you need, quit DVMAX Client on the workstation that you are working on, and relaunch it.  After a minute or two after launch, the results should pull in to the program and patient records.

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