Creating Word Processing Documents (DVMAX v8.8 and higher)
Applies to: DVMAX v8.8 and higher
Purpose: This document will give step-by-step instructions on how to create a new Word Processing template document within DVMAX. When configured, the templates (called Protected Documents in DVMAX) will pull in client and patient specific information. Word processing documents can be printed or emailed as a PDF.
Sending Targeted Marketing Letters or Reminder Cards) to use DVMAX Word Processing documents to help with the marketing needs of your practice!
Tip - review the following document ( Tip - Watch a quick overview video about our new word processing feature -
Creating a New Patient Document
- Search for a patient (Creation of word processing documents can be done from any patient record)
- Click on the Patient Word Processing
- Click New
- The reference palette is located to the right and shows all the different patient and client fields you can add. As you are creating the document, a client or patient specific reference can be inserted into the body of the document by double-clicking an item from the palette. When the reference is inserted, the current patient information will be displayed. When the document is saved, a reference to that data field is saved, rather than the current patient information.
- When the document is complete, click Save.
- Enter a Name for the document in the Save As field
- Change the document class to Protected *This is the step that saves the document as a template and allows the document to be available in all patient records
- Click Save
Inserting Other Patient Specific Information
When inserting information using the palette or using the instructions below, the information will update as the document is opened in different patient records. Most of the information you are able to insert is available to insert from the palette on the right by double-clicking on an option. The following options are not included in the palette but are also available to insert.
Current Date and/or Time
- If you would like the Date inserted as Day of the week, Month Date, Year
- Click the Insert tab in the menu bar
- Click Date
- If you would like the Date inserted as M/DD/YY
- Click the Advanced tab in the menu bar
- Click Expression
- Enter String(Current date;System date short)
- To insert Time
- Click the Insert tab in the menu bar
- Click Time
Clinic Logo
- Attach the logo in System Constants
- From the Section menu, choose System Constants
- Click on User Settings
- Locate the WP History Delimiters section and click Load WP Logo
- Add the logo reference in the word processing document
- From the palette on the right, scroll to the Patient Referral #1 Fields
- Click on the arrow to expand the list of options
- Choose WP Header Logo
Referral Email Address
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following expression: [Referral_Source]Email
- Click OK
Patient Alert
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following expression: [Patients]Alert_Note
- Click OK
Patient Notes
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following expression: [Patients]Comments
- Click OK
Client Alert
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following expression: [Clients]Alert_Note
- Click OK
Client Notes
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following expression: [Clients]Comments
- Click OK
In Hospital Reason
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following expression: [Patients]HospReason
- Click OK
Appointment Options
Entering appointment references is a two-step process. First, you'll want to enter a query and then you'll enter the reference to insert based on the query.
- For the appointment scheduled furthest in the future:
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following query: QUERY([Appts];[Appts]Patient_ID=[Patients]Patient_ID)ORDER BY([Appts];[Appts]Start_Date;<)
- For the current appointment:
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter the following query: QUERY([Appts];[Appts]Patient_ID=[Patients]Patient_ID;*)QUERY([Appts]; & ;[Appts]Start_Date=Current date)ORDER BY([Appts];[Appts]Start_Date;<)
- After inserting the query, insert one of the following expressions:
- From the Advanced menu, click Expression
- Enter one of the following expressions:
- [Appts]Show_Note
- [Appts]Start_Date
- [Appts]Start_Time
Inserting Specific Finding Items into a Protected Document
While there is already a reference to insert history entries onto a Word Processing document, there are occasions where you may want to insert specific findings into different sections of a document instead of all together. The document, How to insert specific finding item values into a Word Processing document, covers how to spread the finding items of a specific MRE into several locations of a Word Processing document.
Inserting Text
If you have other text you'd like to insert into the document that is specific to this patient, you can free-hand type or insert any of your macros. Macros can be inserted using the Macros button or the traditional \macrocode spacebar functionality that you would use in your medical record entries. If you are unfamiliar with macros, you can find additional information here - Creating Macros
Saving as a Case Document
When a protected document has been opened for a patient, specific information is pulled into the document based on the references created. Often times, the history entry references include a date range that only pulls in information for a specific period of time. For this reason, the document should be saved as a case document in case a copy ever needs to be retrieved.
- After printing, click Save; the Save dialog box will open
- In this window, you have the option to choose to associate a Department and a Visit to the document.
- Department - by assigning a department to the case document, you will see a small colored dot next to each case document to indicate which department is associated with this document. For more information on departments, you can view this document - Departments
- Visit - by assigning to a visit, you will be able to see these case documents associated with a patient visit in DVMAX Anywhere. For more information on DVMAX Anywhere, you can review the information here - /wiki/spaces/DP/pages/739442690
- After you have assigned a department and visit (if you choose to do so), click Save as Case Document
- This will save a copy of the document with the same name as the protected document, and the date the document was saved
In most instances, you do not want to edit a case document, and then save as a Protected document. There are no references saved in a case document. When you save a case document as a protected document, the information saved will be the same information there in all patient records.