Editing Controlled Substance Log Entries

Applies to: DVMAX v7.0.12 and higher

Purpose: The controlled substance log is a regulatory log designed to record all scheduled drugs dispensed. As these drugs are carefully monitored by the hospital and the state, DVMAX technical support is not able to make adjustments to the raw data when medication changes or returns are needed. The steps outlined in this document will teach you how to add history entries that will reflect these changes in the controlled substance log. 


To record on your controlled substance log that scheduled medications are being put back into inventory, you will need to create a Returned to Inventory MRE that will prompt for a separate controlled substance log entry. In this log entry, you will put in a negative amount. The returned to inventory entries will be printed in a separate location on the log.

**NOTE: If you have already invoiced the client for the medication, you will also need to write a return so that the medication is returned to your inventory counts.

Initial Setup

Create New Medical Record Code

You will need to log into DVMAX with a user name that has access to Patient Codes

  • From the Section pull-down, choose Patient Codes
  • From the Search For pull-down, choose Med Rec Codes
  • Click Add New
  • Create a code for the item
    • Best Practice Recommendation - We recommend creating codes that differ from codes that will be used as bill item/med rec entry combo codes or codes that begin with the medication name. CSR (Controlled Substance Return) would be a good option if that prefix has not been used in other areas.
  • Enter a description for the item (Returned 'Medication Name')
  • Choose the Special Setting Controlled Substance
  • Click Ok to save the entry

Return Process

Return to Inventory

This step must be done if the client has already been invoiced for the medication. It will put the inventory back in stock and allow you to process the the credit/refund for the client.

  • Open the Client record
  • Click on the Finances tab
  • From the Finances pull-down, choose Write a Return
  • Select the Primary Provider who was listed on the initial invoice
  • Enter the quantity and medication to return
  • Enter Refund method
  • Check off Print, if you'd like to print for the customer
  • Click Ok

Enter New Controlled Substance Log Entry

This step will allow you to note on the controlled substance log that you have taken the medication back into the hospital.

  • Open the Patient record
  • Click on the History tab
  • Select the Primary Provider who should be associated with the Return entry
  • Click the Add New MRE button
  • Enter the item associated with the item you'd like to adjust
  • You are unable to enter a negative quantity in the quantity field of the MRE. The goal of this MRE is to prompt for the controlled substance log, so a quantity of 1 can be here. 
  • Best Practice Recommendation - Make a note in the comments section to explain why the item has been returned.
  • Click OK to save the entry. The controlled substance log will open.
  • Enter the quantity of the medication as a negative value in the Amount prescribed or administered field
  • NOTE: The Quantity remaining in current lot field will be empty since this medication is not linked to the bill/inventory item
  • Click Save

Controlled Substance Log

When reviewing the controlled substance log, all items dispensed will be listed under the medication name. All items returned will be listed under a separate section for Returned 'Medication Name'.