State Dispensing Report for DVMAX

State Dispensing Report for DVMAX

Applies to Versions: DVMAX 7.0.11 and Up
Operating Systems: Macintosh & Windows

Various states have implemented a requirement to upload all dispensed controlled drugs in a special format to their website. DVMAX has found that we already account for most, if not all, of the requirements. As a courtesy to our clients, we've developed a report that will extract the information in the format that the State is requesting. Below you will find steps on how to import the report into your DVMAX, and what is required of you to run it.

Note: No Downtime is necessary to install this report and it can be done during your working hours.

Step 1: Obtaining and Installing the report for DVMAX Server

Click the following link to download the report. You'll want to download it to the desktop of your DVMAX Server computer.

DVMAX 7.0 --> DVMAX v7.0.zip

DVMAX 7.5 & Up

ASAP 4.2 (Washington)--> ASAP 4.2.zip
ASAP 4.1 (New Mexico)--> ASAP 4.1 (New Mexico).zip
ASAP 4.1 (California)→ ASAP 4.1 (California).zip
ASAP 4.1 (California) Customized Report→ ASAP 4.1 (California-Customized).zip **

**For the Customized California Report follow the steps found here - How to Install and Run Customized ASAP 4.1 State Dispensing Report for California**

Unzip the file on your desktop labeled WSCD_Report.zip.
If the extracted folder is called WSCD_Report, open it and locate the WAStateControlDrug folder.
Right click the folder and choose Copy.

If you're on a Windows Server
Navigate to your DVMAX Server installation, typically located in:
C:/Program Files/DVMAXProgramFiles7/DVMAXServerFolder
Open the Server Database folder.
Open the WebFolder.
Open the practice folder.
Open the customReports folder.
Go to the Edit menu and choose Paste.
You should see the WAStateControlDrug report appear with the other reports in this folder.
Close all open windows. The report is now installed and no further work is necessary on the Server. Proceed to Step 2.

If you're on a Macintosh Server
Navigate to your DVMAX Server installation, typically located in:
Macintosh HD:Applications:DVMAXProgramFiles7:DVMAXServerFolder
Right Click the DVMAX Server program and choose Show Package Contents.
Open the Contents folder.

Open the Server Database folder.
Open the WebFolder.
Open the practice folder.
Open the customReports folder.
Go to the Edit menu and choose Paste.
You should see the WAStateControlDrug report appear with the other reports in this folder.
Close all open windows. The report is now installed and no further work is necessary on the Server. Proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Load the Report into DVMAX

Proceed to a DVMAX Client workstation, and log into DVMAX as the Administrator.
Go to the Section menu and choose System Constants.
Click on the User Settings tab.
First, click the Reload Custom Reports button near the top right. No confirmation will occur.
Second, verify your web server is running. Near the bottom left of the same window, make sure Start Web Server Automatically is checked.
Also make sure it says Web Server is Running - if not, click Start Web Server and confirm the prompts with the default settings.
Click OK to close System Constants.

Step 3: Running the Report

In DVMAX Client, click the Section menu and choose General Management.
In the lower portion of the Reports window, will be a list of Custom Reports. Scroll down the list to locate the WA State Controlled Drug Report.
Note: If you do not see the list of Custom Reports in the lower window, you may need to contact DVMAX Technical Support to enable this licensed module. The module is free.
Double click the report and it should launch the report in your web browser window.
Follow the instructions in the Report window, and the Report Setup window to ensure the report is built correctly.

Note: If you double click the report and the screen 'flashes' and nothing happens, DVMAX is having trouble identifying your default web browser. Please contact DVMAX Tech support for assistance. If you want to run the report manually instead of launching it from DVMAX, it can be inserted into your web browser with the following information:
http://: /customReports/WAStateControlDrug/

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