Configuring the Abaxis VS2 with DVMAX
Configuring the Abaxis VS2 with DVMAX
Step 1: Set up Instrument, Drivers, and Cables
- Install Abaxis VS2 drivers from CD or Download onto the DVMAX computer the lab instrument will connect to. This driver is is provided and installed by Abaxis.
- Connect the VS2 to the DVMAX computer using USB B to USB A cable (This is supplied by Abaxis: Abaxis Order# 980-0210)
- Once installed, confirm in Device Manager (if on Windows) which port the VS2 has been associated to: (If installed correctly, the title will be Abaxis Blood Chemistry Analyzer (COM X))
- While in Device Manager, get properties on the COM port and verify the port settings are set correctly:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: Hardware
Step 2: Configure Settings in Abaxis
- On the Abaxis VS2 From the Home Screen click on the Hand Icon in the lower right hand side of the display screen
- On the second screen, Click on the Hand Icon again.
- On the third screen, Click the VS2 Icon.
- Choose ASCII Text and make sure it is checked, then Click Home.
Step 3: Configure Settings in DVMAX
- On the DVMAX computer connected to the Abaxis cable, log into DVMAX.
- Go to the File menu and Choose Preferences.
- Click on the Lab Results Setup tab.
- Choose Set Analyzer for In Office Analyzer 1 or 2 (whichever is available).
- For Analyzer, choose Abaxis VetScan 2 (Or Abaxis VS2)
- For Port, choose the COM port associated with the cable identified in Step 1.
- Click Select, then Start. Click OK to close out of the setup.
Step 4: Verify Results
Send a test sample through the Abaxis VS2, or re-transmit a previous sample that was done. Consult the Retransmit your Abaxis VS2 results to DVMAX for steps on this if necessary.