DVMAX 7.0.12 Release Notes

DVMAX 7.0.12 Release Notes

DVMAX 7.0.12r6

SchedulePack Alerts

- DVMAX will no longer display alerts about SchedulePack when logging in.

Credit Card Processing

- Receipts will now print for an approved transaction, even if it was initially declined.
- An issue with communcations to the Intuit Gateway which was recently introduced is now corrected.

Custom Reports

- Many Custom Report Errors were corrected.

Spell Check

- DVMAX will no longer report an error  if you Spellcheck  an empty finding item.
- Fixed issues that could cause Spellcheck to stop working entirely.

Patient History

- Clicking Next/Prev on a selection of Diagnonses will no longer end with a blank diagnosis.
- A long query bar will no longer appear when opening a Diagnosis.
- Fixed an issue that caused the system to repeatedly ask to OK/Cancel an invoice when you jump to history from Pending.


- Personalized Cover sheets for DVMAX Faxing can now be set as an advanced setting.
Contact your DVMAX Account Manager (800-877-9221 x1) for details on setting this up.


- Fixed an issue that caused Inventory QOH values to change when using the Prev/Next buttons.


The client email field has been resized so that all typed letters appear without being cut off.


Short Version Equine Statements now include all Payments/Writeoffs even if no invoicing activity has occurred during that time period.

Lab Results

Zoasis results that have been extrapolated (on request) will no longer 'graph' the result between high and low, but instead will state the result is 'Estimated' in bold red.

DVMAX 7.0.12r4 Release Notes

DVMAX Anywhere App for iPhone/iPad

-       Get access to your client, patient, and appointment data anywhere, anytime on the iPhone/iPad native application.

 For an overview of this new feature, click here:

For Setup/Configuration, click here:

Zoasis/Antech automatic downloads

-       We have modified the way DVMAX will read incoming Zoasis results in an effort to correct issues that arose with an update to Zoasis’ server move in 2010. This modification will fix recurring ‘parser’ errors that appear on DVMAX Client and sporadic imports with fecal and histopath results.

Remote Processing

-       DVMAX will no longer display a benign 9939 error upon exporting and importing.


-       DVMAX Faxing now supports Mac OS 10.6/Snow Leopard, and Windows 64-bit.


-       When multiple invoices exist, you can no longer choose ‘cancel’ upon selecting an invoice in patient history if Guaranteed Charge Capture is on in System Constants.

Schedule Pack Alerts

-       DVMAX Client will no longer display an alert about SchedulePack upon startup


-       Fixed an issue where reminders 4+ would not print when using WP templates.

-       Healthy Pet exports now exclude deceased patients.


-       DVMAX will no longer repeatedly ask you for Appointment Staff initials when editing or creating an appointment.

Credit Card Processing

-       Adjusted the XCharge/DVMAX End of Day Comparison report to properly reflect transactions voided in DVMAX.


DVMAX 7.0.12r3 Release Notes

VetStreet / Pet Portals

-       DVMAX now exports the extended price for VetStreet instead of the regular price.


-       Fixed an issue that could cause statements to print in "detailed" mode even when this was not requested.

-       Fixed an issue that would cause DVMAX to print statements in numeric rather than last name order.


-       Fixed duplicate reminder printing/emailing when using the Reminder Wizard.


-        You can no longer finish a payment transaction without choosing a payment method.

-       "Statement Copy" is no longer a valid type to choose from when entering a transaction.

-        DVMAX will now be smarter about asking if you want to update the invoice quantity to match the rx label quantity. For example: If the invoice is set to sell 1 box of advantage, and the rx label is dispensing 4 doses, it will not ask if you want to update the invoice quantity to 4.

DVMAX 7.0.12r2 Release Notes

 E-Mail Enhancements

- Emailing statements is now an option at the time of sending out statements. On
each client record, a checkbox has been added near the email address to decide
whether they should be emailed a statement or not.  The 3 options for Printing &
Emailing statements are described below:
1) "Print"  
Prints invoices. This option prints a statement for everyone regardless of the settings
that are selected. (This setting is exactly what previous versions of DVMAX has
2) "Email First & Print Others"  
Only people whose "Email Statements" checkbox IS checked are emailed. People
who are NOT checked to be emailed statements will get a statement PRINTED
 3) "Print All & Email Others" -  
If the person's "Email Statements" checkbox is checked, they will get an email, but
they'll ALSO get a printed statement. All others will get a printed statement.

Help For DVMAX

The 'Help' page in DVMAX has been improved to give users a one-stop view of all
their ways to get support. It includes links to the Help Manual, your personal user
site, the DVMAX Forums, and phone numbers for DVMAX Tech support and Account

Medical Records

- Fixed an issue so that Findings would be present if the MRE was performed through a treatment plan.  
 - Fixed a problem that caused 'Edited' MREs to import oddly from a Remote Processing cycle.  
Note: This feature requires a functional email setup in DVMAX. It also requires our PDF Driver to be installed on each workstation. Our Upgrade documentation steps you through how to install the PDF Driver.
- A 'Copy' option has been restored to existing MREs to allow for quick pasting
into new MREs.
 - Fixed an issue with using the 'Edit' button on MREs in a Multi-Practice Access

Credit Card Processing

- Fixed a rare issue that could cause a credit card receipt to print out with some
invalid info.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the 'Reprint Receipt' button to appear if a user
switched from a pay method of 'cCard' to 'Cash'.
- Additional measures are now taken to ensure the success of voiding a credit
card payment with X-Charge or Intuit.
- Better Error handling is in place if a Dymo receipt printer is not available due
to hardware/cable issue.
- Strengthened our checking of Track 2 data in an effort to fix intermittent
Amercian Express swipe failures.


- Fixed formatting issues with the saved statement PDFs in client finances.

Label Printer

- Fixed an issue that would cause errors when switching between multiple label
printers in the Label Printer Setup window.


- Fixed an issue that could cause the DVMAX Dictionary to add duplicate words.
The program will retroactively fix any duplicates in the dictionary on it's own. 


- Basic Estimate info (Date/Est. Number) will continue to appear on subsequent
- Fixed an issue that caused extra column header info to appear on the 2nd
page of an estimate.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a 2nd printed copy of an invoice to print
- Fixed an issue where using the 'Batch Payments' feature would fail.
- Corrected an issue where the 'Print Practice Heading' function would appear
on more than the first page.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a blinking 'Inventory Quantity Record lock'
when finishing an invoice.
- Fixed an issue where the VetStreet Export would lock a single invoice.


- Payment types will now correctly group themselves in the right categories
instead of showing in the 'Refunds' section.
- Fixed a cosmetic issue where the headings of a payment type could be

Remote Processing

- When transactions are imported, the date modified is updated with the date they
are imported. 

Word Processing

- Header and Footer state in word processing documents is now preserved after

Lab/Diagnostics Display

- Chart Lab will no longer chart 'hidden' entries.
- Corrected a formatting issue on the graphical display with the Abaxis VS2  


- Improved the performance/load time of viewing attachment properties.

DVMAX 7.0.12r1 Release Notes

Medical Records

The medical record display and entry has been enhanced to make navigation easier
and to allow the user to easily determine if findings have been completed or are at
the default values.  The new display also provides an inline preview of the full
medical entry with findings.  Spellchecking in findings is now available as well – see
Spellcheck section below for more information.
For a few sites this also alleviates an issue where the medical entry could cause
DVMAX to terminate while an entry was being made.
 For an explanation of the new MRE window and how it works, click here.


Custom Reports are now freely available and visible to all DVMAX users by default.
Previously users would have to get a new license to gain access to them. These
reports are located in General Management. An explanation of each report is
included when the report is opened.
The "End of Day" report again shows transactions in chronological order.
An issue was fixed with the EOD report when the "New Page for each type" option is


There is a new tool to edit, sort, delete, import, and find words in the spellcheck
dictionary. The dictionary tool can be found in System Constants, on the Main
Constants tab. At the bottom of the screen there is a "Spell Setup" button to launch
the tool. 
The spellcheck tool will now work in the Findings area of a Medical Record Entry.

Appointment Scheduler

The default appt time in System Constants is now limited to a maximum time of 60
minutes. This alleviates a situation with long appointments that could cause the
appointment display to become unusable. 


The Reminder Update button now correctly updates the patient reminders allowing
users to update reminders manually.  
An obscure issue was fixed where the system could repeatedly ask if you wanted to
open an unfinished invoice upon opening a Patient's History.


The default color for the new 'reminder warning' is orange. This is a customizable
setting, however, and can be changed to any color. Click here for information on how
to customize this setting.
The reminder wizard respects the reminder.noConstraints setting. If set to "True",
this setting will allow the system to send reminders to any non-compliant patients
due, regardless of how many reminders they were already sent in the past.

Antech Requisitions

The Antech Requisition forms will now allow up to 11 lines of 'notes' to be typed and
printed. This change was made to allow for lengthier notes for biopsies, etc.
The notes typed for Antech Requisition forms will also 'wrap' properly.

Invoicing & Estimates

All invoices and estimates that exceed more than 1 page now have a header
indicating the invoice #, patient/client, and page #.
Invoices now print out correctly on Letterhead if your practice uses this option.
The spacing of Invoice notes and Bill item notes at the bottom of invoices have been
In an effort to give more control over the printing of invoices, the ability to have the
program auto confirm a print job has been removed.  You will now need to click OK
(or hit ‘Return’) to confirm which printer you want to send an invoice to.
User initials show up on finished returns.
The 'Estimate Label' used in System Constants will show up on printed Estimates.
In some circumstances, users were unable to use their 'Debit' pay method after
upgrading to 7.0.12 - this has been fixed.

Inventory Management

Some changes were made to correct a rare and obscure issue where the inventory
quantity would not properly deduct when an invoice was finished.

Credit Card Processing

Multiple issues were corrected related to processing credit cards with Intuit’s
processing services.
PINPad timeouts have been addressed with a setting change.
Fixed an obscure and rare issue where Pin Debits would sometimes fail.
The manual input form for Credit Card Processing now says 'CCV' instead of CVV'
Fixed a problem where the transactions from an invoice entered with two payments
could show up in an odd order on a client's finances screen.

Label Printing

An issue has been fixed that caused errors when selecting available label printers.


VetStreet exports will now accurately identify a patient's status.  
Please note that if a patient's status is unknown to DVMAX, the export will set the
Patient's Status to Active. The patient status can be unknown if the patient has not
been accessed in some time and the records were the result of a data transfer from
a previous system.
A problem was fixed where a few records were being left locked by the daily export
job for VetStreet.
The VetStreet export will now run only on the main system and not ask to run on
Remote Processing laptops.
The VetStreet export of services now includes only finalized bills and returns.
Please note that the VetStreet export will deliver to VetStreet a list of all Clients and
Patients, goods & services sold, reminders, and pharmacy records.

DVMAX 7.0.12 Release Notes

DVMAX Practice 7.0.12 has several major new features, including integrated credit card processing as well as dozens of time-saving enhancements.  The highlights are captured below.

Feature Enhancements:

Integrated Credit and Debit Card Processing

DVMAX now offers real-time credit and debit card processing capabilities that allows for the automatic capture of all payment information.  To utilize this feature, you’ll need a valid DVMAX License that includes the Integrated Credit and Debit Card feature and persistent internet connection (not dial-up).  This feature brings an end to manual processing, entry mistakes, and mismatched end of day reports.

Support for Vetstreet (Pet Portals)

DVMAX now supports integration with the VetStreet/Pet Portals system, allowing your clients to access information about their animals online, and making it easy for them to contact your practice and receive extensive client educational materials directly.

DVMAX Safe Data Program

The redesigned DVMAX Safe Data program was designed to ensure the integrity of your data, its safe-keeping, and to allow you to restore your practice to a live status as quickly as possible in the event of a disaster.  Many clinics rely on DVMAX for a completely paperless office and the trend toward the paperless clinic is only gaining momentum. Ensuring that your data is backed up, good, and recoverable from a disaster is critical to your business. DVMAX Safe Data program also provides the security to find and fix  errors BEFORE they occur and our Data Integrity feature ensures that your data will work appropriately and securely.

Custom Reports: More of the Practice Details You Need

Custom reports not only offer a powerful addition to DVMAX’s report generating function, but the reports offer the data in a more presentation-ready layout.  Custom Reports are available from the General Management Reports tab, and from the Reports button on the Command Palette. These reports are web-based; that is, they require an internet connection to generate the report.  Reports now include Rabies Report, Boarding, Detailed Sales Reports, MRE Search Report, Referral Reports and more.

New Letterhead Image for WP Documents

Word Processing document graphic letterhead images (logos) can now be set with a field in System Constants.  The letterhead image is not saved to case documents, freeing up disk space from large letterhead images.  The new letterhead image is available on the WP Palette.

There is now a “Clinic Logo” field in System Constants->Default Constants. When printing an invoice, estimate, or return this image is now included in the header. The image is printed at a size of 1” X 1” - larger images will be scaled down to fit this size.

Reminder Coloring

Reminders can now be colored differently when their due date is fast approaching. i.e. a reminder can be yellow when it is within 7 days of their being due, Red when it is overdue, and black when it is current. A new advanced setting controls this.

Client and Patient Alerts

There’s now an advanced setting “alert.mode” that controls how Client and Patient alerts are displayed. It can
have three possible values - “palette” (the default), “window (the original method)”, or “both”.

Zoasis Upgrades

DVMAX can now ask the user to select a provider when printing a Zoasis Lab Requisition. This helps reconcile issues where multiple doctors are addressing the same patient. A Zoasis Requisition Wizard has been added to aid in the setting up of Requisition codes in DVMAX.

Rx Labeling

The practice name on the Rx label is now defined by an advanced setting named “labels.practiceName”. It defaults to the standard practice name as specified in System Constants, but can be set to any shorter value to fit correctly on Rx labels.

The Rx labeling dialog now allows you to enter a “Refill Expiry Date”.  If the refill date has expired when refilling, DVMAX will give a warning that the refill has expired.. Note that this is a warning only - the refill is not prevented.

Bill Item Rx Labeling

“Fixed Price”, “Antech/Zoasis”, and “Always Dispense” checkboxes have been added to the “Change Item Settings” function for Bill Items. Bill Items now have an “Always Dispensed” checkbox. If this is selected, the invoice line items based on this bill item will always be marked “Dispensed”, even when created via a Treatment Plan, where they would usually be marked as “Administered”.

Invoicing Upgrade

DVMAX can now display a warning if the quantity entered in an invoice line item (or MRE) is larger than the quantity on hand. This warning is controlled by the “invoicing.warnIfQtyLargerThanQOH” advanced setting.

Product Upgrades and Fixes

Lab Machine imports:

Abaxis HM5- fixed a problem that could result in a syntax error while downloading HM5 results.
Spotchem - fixed an issue that could cause a runtime error during spotchem import. 
Fixed an error that could cause the Spotchem to create many blank lab log records.

External Lab Imports:

- Fixed an issue that could cause lab result MREs to not contain the full text of incoming lab results. This would only happen for external Zoasis results that were auto-matched by DVMAX against an existing patient.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the “Delete” button on Lab Log records from working correctly.


- When faxing a WP document from a Referral Source, the fax “to” field is now set to the referral source contact, and the “company” is set to the practice name.
- Faxing a WP document from a Patient will now automatically enter the referral source name and fax# into the faxing dialog.
- Faxing a document will no longer overwrite any text that’s on the clipboard.
- Fixed an issue that could cause DVMAX to select the incorrect recipient and company values when selecting a number from the faxing dialog.
- Fixed an issue that could cause errors to be displayed when selecting the last item in the popup menu of numbers on the faxing dialog.

Overall Display:

- Fixed a problem where the scrollbar for clients could appear on invoice and estimate forms.
- Fixed an issue that could cause scrollbars from the patient list on the client window to unexpectedly appear on the MRE window.
- Fixed an odd display issue that could appear when typing notes in an Invoice, Estimate, or Return.


- Fixed confusing behavior and error message when entering an already-existing class code into a new Finding Class.
- Improved error handling when attempting to add a non-existing finding item to a finding class.


- Running ‘Send out Statements’ has had a performance boost and will generate the material to be printed quicker than before.


- Improved formatting of the Sales Tax Charged Out report.
- The Discount and Quantity columns on the Audit Trail detail report are no longer formatted as currency. Also added a header to the Tax column.
- Created an advanced setting “reporting.detailedSales.allowCategoryChange” which controls whether current Bill Item Categories are applied to invoice line items when running a Detailed Sales Report (defaults to true).
- The Purchase History Report for a client or patient no longer includes edited or voided invoices.
- The controlled substance log now sorts by Medication, Date, Time when “Group and Subtotal by Medication” is selected.
- List Reports in DVMAX on Macintosh only were cutting off a fraction of each line when printed. This has been fixed.

Antech Requisitions:

- Children of super items will now trigger Antech requisitions if appropriate.
- If you have a bill item on an invoice, which is linked to an open lab requisition, and you delete that line item, DVMAX will now ask if you’d like the corresponding code removed from the requisition. As well, there’s now a “Delete” button on the lab requisition edit dialog. Only items from open requisitions can be deleted.
- If the “lab.zoasisID” advanced setting is not defined, then the user will be asked for the Zoasis ID when creating a lab requisition.
- Removing items from a lab requisition will now immediately update the lab requisition status window.
- Staff records now have an “Antech Barcode Name” field, which by default has the same value as the Staff Code. This new field is used in the barcode when submitting Antech/Zoasis Lab Requisitions.


- Fixed an issue that could intermittently cause images to reposition themselves so that image markup was not correctly aligned. Also fixed a Windows-only issue where the user could reposition the image, thereby throwing off the relationship between the image and the annotations.

Upgrade Related:

- Several fixes related to the upgrade process for DVMAX were addressed.
- Fixed a memory leak during the upgrade of blood results.
- Fixed an issue where DVMAX would quit when doing an upgrade because lab conversions were taking more than 1 hour.


DVMAX will no longer set the end date of a boarding appointment when discharging a patient. To revert this behavior to that of versions of DVMAX prior to 7.1, set the advanced setting “boarding.setDateToCurrentWhenEnding” to FALSE.


- Fixed an issue that could make it impossible to discount line items.
- Fixed an obscure bug that could cause some line items to be removed from an invoice on one terminal if the invoice was locked on another terminal.
- Fixed an obscure issue that could cause invoice line items to not be posted to patient history. This would only occur if a very specific sequence of steps was followed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause receivables to be incorrect if a return was written for a client who has a balance, and a refund is included on the return.
- Estimates longer than 1 page were not page breaking properly, causing a line to be cut in half. This has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the client alert to be left on the palette after the client form had been closed. This would only happen when opening an existing client invoice, and clicking the “OK & Next” button on the invoice.
- DVMAX will no longer mistakenly accept undefined codes on invoice line items and Medical Record Entries.
- When entering a super item code into an MRE, DVMAX would not correctly add super item children to the history or invisible invoice if the child code was linked to an MRC with a different code. This has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where long bill item notes could cause the last line on invoice to get cut off when printing.


- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Send Out Statements” function to incorrectly adjust the client YTD value if the print run was cancelled.
- Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect receivables for split ownership patients when one or more of the owners had an outstanding credit.
- Fixed an issue that could cause transactions created via the “Batch Payments” window to not appear in the correct order in the client’s financial history.  As well, the position of the “Batch Payments” window is now remembered.


- Changes were made to make sending email more reliable. We are now more flexible with our email setup, allowing us to accept more email providers in DVMAX. We still do NOT support email providers that require SSL.

Web Reporting:

- Web display of appointments is now limited to appointment staff records that are marked to receive appointments.
- Patient histories published to the web now include Findings data, if any.


- Vsurv export now correctly exports the next birthday of the animal.

Patient History:

- Fixed a problem when very long appended Findings cause the Findings Audit entries to overflow the main MRE.
- Edited findings on locked MREs and Diagnosis will now be properly reverted if the “Cancel” button is clicked.
- Lab results in the Text View now include the MRE date. Note that the “lab.formatting.textViewLabResultDate” advanced setting can be used to control the appearance of the date. As well, the setting can include field references in <[Table]Field> format.


- Attempted to fix an intermittent problem where custom words would not be remembered for the WP spellcheck.


- Fixed an issue that would cause the reminder wizard to use the first semi-custom or 4DWrite reminder even when sending out the second and third reminders
- A new advanced setting “reminders.noConstraints” has been added. The default value is “False”, in which case reminders continue to function as they currently do. If this setting is set to “True”, then the reminder wizard will no longer pay attention to the number of times a reminder has been set - any outstanding reminders will be included every time reminders are sent out.
- Fixed an error that could occur when adding a reminder type with a very long description to a patient.
- Eliminated a delay when choosing Reminder Types in the Wizard.

Record Locking:

- Fixed an issue that could cause an MRE created via an invoice to be locked while the Client record was open in another window.
- Fixed an issue where the status of Patients would not be set correctly when euthanized if they were locked in another window or by another user.

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