DVMAX v8.8 Resources

DVMAX v8.8 Resources

Applies to: DVMAX v8.8

Purpose: This document contains links to the new documentation available for the DVMAX v8.8 release


New Features in DVMAX v8.8

SmartFlow Integration





DVMAX v8.8 introduces a complete SmartFlow integration with flexible options to adapt to any clinic’s workflow.

Read more about the SmartFlow integration here - SmartFlow Integration

Word Processing Updates

DVMAX v8.8 is now 64-bit for both the client and server application. To do this, we have upgraded our word processing module.





Click here to watch a quick video about our new word processing component.

Read more about the Word Processing changes here - Creating Word Processing Documents (DVMAX v8.8 and higher)

Chat Support

We are excited to announce the addition of chat support with DVMAX v8.8. You’ll be connected with the same support agents you love working with on the phone.






From within DVMAX Client, simply choose Support Chat from the Special pull-down.






From DVMAX Anywhere, click Help from the menu bar on the left-hand side of the window, and then Open Chat.


How to Upgrade

If you are on DVMAX v7.6 and higher, follow these steps:

  1. Review System Requirements before proceeding: System Requirements for the Current DVMAX Release (Support for Mac OSX 10.6.8, 10.10.x, 10.11.x, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003 has ended!)

  2. Review our pre-install checklist - Pre-Install Checklist for Upgrading to DVMAX v8.8

  3. Contact DVMAX Technical Support at 800-950-5455 for a link to the installer

  4. Follow these instructions for performing the upgrade:

If you are on other versions of DVMAX, please refer to our Upgrade Process by Version document.

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