Reminder Code Setup and Linking
Reminder Code Setup and Linking
Applies to: DVMAX v7.0.12 and higher
Purpose: This document outlines how to create reminder codes and link them to bill items so that a reminder will be placed on the patient record when the item is billed to that client/patient.
*Configuring these items requires the user to have access to Inventory Management and Patient Codes in Security Setup
Creating Reminder Codes
- From the Section pull-down, choose Patient Codes
- Search for Reminder Types
- Choose Add New to create a new reminder type (or Choose All Records to view existing reminder codes)
- Add information to create a new reminder type
- Reminder Code - this is the code that will be used to identify the Reminder Type. This code can be up to 8 characters long.
- Description - a description of the reason for the reminder
- Note - the reminder note will appear on reminder cards that are printed or emailed, as well as on certificates.
NOTE: As of DVMAX v8.8 the reminder description instead of the note is printed on the reminder cards. You may want to review and change the wording of your description.
- Shote Note - the short note is printed in place of the note when a reminder is printed with multiple patients on a single card.
- Don't List on Certificates - check this box if you do not want Reminders of this type printed on vaccination certificates
- Duration (Days) - how many days to wait before sending a reminder card
- From Administration - the reminder will be based on when the procedure linked to this reminder was administered. The reminder will be due “x” number of days from when the linked procedure was added to patient history, where “x” is the Duration (Days) value.
- From Birthdate - the reminder due date will be based on the birthdate of the patient. This is useful for reminders related to procedures that come due based on the age of the animal.
- Fixed Date - the reminder will always be due on the same date every year
- Turnover (Days) - this number controls the behavior of fixed date reminders in DVMAX. If a reminder is entered or updated within the “turnover period” of the fixed date then it will be set to be due again on the fixed date one year in the future. If it is before the turnover period, then it will be set to be due on the upcoming fixed date.
Linking Reminder Codes to Bill Items
- From the Section pull-down, choose Inventory Management
- Change the Search for pull down to Bill Items
- Search for the bill item for which the patient should be reminded
- Once the bill item is opened, click on Patient Links
- Double-click in the Linked Reminders section
- Enter reminder code - if you do not know the code, click in the Reminder Code box and a list of all reminder codes will display
- Days Ahead - the number of days configured in the reminder codes section will be displayed. This value can be edited here for the needs of this particular bill item
- Remove from patient record - check this box if the addition of the bill item on the patient invoice should remove the reminder code from the patient reminder list. This is commonly used for Spay and Neuter bill items. The bill items are configured to have the Spay/Neuter reminder removed from the patient reminder list.
, multiple selections available,
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