Client Phone Number Settings & Flexibility

Client Phone Number Settings & Flexibility

Applies to: DVMAX 7.5.1 & Up

Purpose: DVMAX now allows greater flexibility in naming and labeling the 3 phone number fields on a client record. You can change the label of the phone number field, and additionally utilize new pull down menus next to each of the phone number fields to identify which number is best used to reach the client at a given part of the day.

Configuring the Client Phone Number Labels

(info) This step will walk you through changing the type of phone number (e.g. - Home Phone, Client 1 Cell, Client 2 Cell, etc)

  • Log into DVMAX Client as the Administrator
  • Click on the Section menu, hold down the SHIFT key and choose System Constants
  • A warning will appear, read it fully and click I Understand.
  • Click on the Settings tab.
  • In the alphabetical list of settings, locate:


(info) Tip: You can use the filter box at the bottom of the window

  • Changing the values for these three labels will change the text that is displayed for the phone number fields when viewing client records.

Configuring phone number pull-down options

(info) This step will walk you through changing the pull-down menu options associated with each phone number field (e.g. - Day, Evening, Primary)

  • Log into DVMAX Client as the Administrator
  • Click on the Section menu, hold down the SHIFT key and choose System Constants
  • A warning will appear, read it fully and click I Understand.
  • Click on the Settings tab.
  • In the alphabetical list of settings, locate the settings that adjust the drop down menu:


  • Changing the value for these settings will change the text that displays in the drop down beside each phone number. Additional entries can be made by highlighting the last client.phoneTime number in the list and clicking on the + (plus) button at the bottom the screen. Once it is added, you can modify the text, and adjust the setting name to be the next number in the sequence.

Using the Client Phone Feature

Open any Client record within DVMAX.
The phone number 'labels' on the left will be updated and associated with the client.phoneLabel settings you changed earlier.
The blank drop down box to the right of the phone number can be set to any of the choices available which were modified in the client.phoneTime setting on the previous step.