Memory Monitor

Memory Monitor

Applies to: DVMAX v8.7.3

Purpose: This document provides a brief overview of the memory monitor feature introduced in DVMAX v8.7.3.

Mac Users

The memory monitor feature with DVMAX v8.7.3 and higher monitors memory usage of the entire machine. When the free memory gets low, the monitor will detect that and either purge it automatically or display a purge button and show some memory stats in red offering to manually purge it. Our best practice recommendation for Mac server users is to check off the Purge when free memory is low box. When this is checked, DVMAX will automatically purge memory to improve performance. The following step is also available in our upgrade instructions:

  • When the server application opens for the first time, you will see a box prompting you to enter the root password to continue. Enter the computer administrator password (not the DVMAX Administrator password). DVMAX will remember this password going forward. 
    • Note - this box is only displayed for 12 seconds. If you do not see this box, you will only see the new Memory Monitor box in the lower left corner of the screen. If the Total Free line is red, with a purge button, click Purge. You will now be prompted to enter the root password.
  • From the Memory Monitor box, check off Purge when free memory is low
  • If desired, this box can be closed after changing the setting. It will re-open each time the server application is restarted

Windows Users

Free memory is managed better on Windows computer, making the need to purge memory unnecessary. The memory monitor feature for Windows users is informational only. This box can be closed if you prefer. It will re-open each time you restart the server application.