Force the Update of the Local Resources

Force the Update of the Local Resources

Applies to: DVMAX v7.6 and higher

Purpose: This document lists the steps to take to update the necessary resource files from the server on the client workstation. This should be attempted prior to completely tossing the DVMAX cache files.

  1. If currently running, quit the DVMAX Client application on your workstation
  2. Double-click on the DVMAX Client icon and then immediately press down the Alt key on your keyboard. A Connection to 4D Server window will open.
  3. Click on the Custom tab
  4. Check off Force the update of the local resources
  5. Click on the Available tab. There should be one item listed in this box.
  6. Highlight the available server
  7. Click OK. There may be a delay in starting the application as these resources are pulled from the server.
  8. Once the login screen appears, log in as you normally would